adventures of a mother of TWO!

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My Attempt at My 2 year Olds Pictures October 8, 2012

Filed under: Random This About My Boys,Tips,Uncategorized — adventuresofamotherof2 @ 6:46 pm
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So my youngest turned two in September, YAY! But I forgot to have his 2 year old pictures done. Now usually I’m not that forgetful but lately this momma has had a lot on her plate, and honestly I was kind of dreading taking him to a professional studio, they always take like a million pictures, ok, I’m exaggerating a little, but they take so many, and they all look ADORABLE! I get wrangled into buying over $200 in portraits, and I honestly don’t have that many family members to mail them to, so they sit in a drawer…forever…

This year I figured I’d attempt to take them on my own, I mean hey, I have a nice enough camera, and I’ve seen enough family and baby portrait pictures to choke a horse. So off to the park I went with my 2 kids in tow, my camera, a few photo props, and an ‘irrational sense of optimissim’ .  Well I should have known that 2 hyper children and a park were a receipe for disaster, the oldest child would not sit still no matter how much I tried to bribe him, and they youngest (whom I really needed to sit still the most) wanted to copy his older brother and run amuck at the park. I ended up getting a few good shots in and thank heaven for photoshop editing, lol. And here were a few of the finish products…

